Monday, November 3, 2008

Growing, but not slowing.

Here is a picture I took last night of Megan. We thought it may be fun for you all to see how she has grown since the last time you saw her.

She went for a run on Saturday, and when she returned she told me that she felt like she could have kept going, she said she felt like her old self. So I think that she is doing really well. While she hasn't been running quite as much as she usually does, she often walks to or from work- that is about an hour long walk. She has been doing a water aerobics class on Thursday nights while I am in class, and she frequently does her 'body-building' exercises around the home: she does dips, and strange leg exercises (that are always interesting to watch), and generally continues to out-pace me in nearly everything. So, Megan is growing, but she is not slowing. I think that is a good indication that she and baby are healthy and happy.

Megan tells me that the books say that babies like when mom goes running/walking as it tends to rock them to sleep. Exercise also tends to make delivery a bit easier on mom and baby, and usually considerably faster. Let's hope!

We are very excited to have our first full ultra-sound scan in one week. This should tell us a lot about the baby, its health, its sex, and give us a cool picture to post on this blog. Be sure and visit our blog next Monday night, to see the picture and find out what we have learned.

We both enjoyed dinner with friends on Saturday; Nathan and Marisa have a three month old baby boy named Daniel. I had a lot of fun holding Daniel for extended periods of time while he drooled and stared at various things around the room, and I dreamed of April and holding our baby. I am beginning to feel the impatience that I have heard some of my male friends who have recently had children speak of. Its tough to have to wait to hold baby, know baby, take care of baby- especially since Megan is already experiencing those things. I can't wait until I get a turn!

I leave you all now with one more picture of Megan's baby bump, this picture was taken a week ago...


melissa said...

megan, you look so cute! can't wait to see you guys on saturday. :)

Judy said...

so precious!

Unknown said...

Your bump is super cute! Are you rubbing it all the time?